
WU Liangyong
Tel: 86-10-62786507
Fax: 86-10-62783328
E-mail: [email protected]


Science of  Human Settlement, Architecture, Urban Design, Urban studies and regional  studies, etc.



1949,  Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA, Master of  Architecture and Urban Design

1944,  Department of Architecture, National Central University, Chongqing,  Bachelor of Architecture


2005.4- ,  Assistant Researcher School of Architecture, Tsinghua University,  Beijing, China

2009-2010,  visiting scholar, School of Design, University of Pennsylvania,  Philadelphia, USA

Research  Projects


2006-2007,  Research on Preservation and Construction of Cultural Environment along  the Grand Canal in the Process of Eastern line of the South to North  Water Transfer Project of China. Research Project of the Office of the  SNWTP, State Department of PRC

2004-2005,  Master Plan for Beijing City

2003-Present,  Design for Museum of Mountain Tai, Shandong Province

2003-Present,  Design for Museum of Dream of the Red Chamber in Nanjing, Jiangsu  Province

2003-2004,  Research on history and development of Nantong & Design for Museum of  Nantong, Jiangsu Province

2003-2004,  urban development Strategy research for Tianjin

2002-2003,  urban development Strategy research for Beijing

2002,  Strategic Planning for Xuzhou, Anhui Province

2002,  Strategic Planning for Suzhou, Jiangsu Province

1999-Present,  Site Planning for Diaoyutai National Guest House and Reconstruction  Design for Building 19, Beijing

1997-2000,  Ecological Village and Housing Design, Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province

1996-99,  Institute of Confucius, Qufu, Shandong Province

1996-98,  Redevelopment of the Area of the Temple of White Pagoda, Beijing

1994-2001,  Campus Planning and Design of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing

1994-95, Urban  & Rural Development Plan of Changzhou, Jiangsu Province

1994-95, Urban  & Rural Development Plan of Wuxi County, Jiangsu Province

1994-95, Urban  & Rural Development Plan of Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province

1994, Urban &  Rural Development Plan of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province

1994,  Extension of the National Historical Museum, Beijing

1994, Interbau  Moscow 1994, Urban Villa-"Oriental" International Competetion, Moscow,  Russia

1992, Urban &  Rural Development Plan of Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province (collaboration)

1992, Planning  & Design of the Longfusi Area, Beijing (collaboration)

1990, Urban  Design Plan of the Central Area of Sanya, Hainan Province  (collaboration)

1987-92,  Experimental Project of New Courtyard House Complex at the Ju'er Hutong,  Beijing

1987, Urban  Design Plan and Design Criteria, Central Urban Area, Guilin, Guangxi  Province

1985,  Restoration and Redevelopment of Huitongci Temple and Its Surroundings,  Beijing

1979, "Beijing  2000" Urban Design Plan, Shi Cha Hai Area, Beijing

1976, National  Library of Beijing, (collaboration, one of the five senior architects of  the winning design)

1973, New East  Wing of the Beijing Hotel, Beijing

1966-77,  Planning and Design for the Tian An Men Square, Beijing

1958 &  1964,         Planning of the Chang An Boulevard, Beijing

1950,  Automobile Body Design Building of the General Motor's Technical and  Research Center in Detroit, Birmingham, Michigan, USA (with Erro  Saarinen at the Saarinen, Saarinen and Associates)

Participated  in Master Planning in the following cities and towns: Beijing  (1951-present), Qinghuangdao and Beidaihe (1951), Handan (1953), Baoding  (1954), Tangshan (1976-1978), Beihai (1984), Guilin (1987), Jiuquan  (1991), Zhangjiagang (1993), Suzhou (1994), Wuxi (1994), Liuzhou (1994)  and etc



2006-present,  Beijing Urban Planning, Construction and Management, Project of the  Beijing Municipal Commission of Education

2007-present,  comparatively study on the sustainable development of Four World Cities

2007-present,  Exploration and Exposition on Invention and Creation of Traditional  Human Settlements,”Compass Scheme”

2007-present,  Experimentation of Scientific Achievement Cultural Heritage on Invention  and Creation of Traditional Human Settlements

2007-present,  Research on the Urban Development strategy and urban design for the  Central Axes area of Qufu City, from the View of Regional culture

2003-present,  Project director, Project titled Research on long-term Planning,  commissioned by the ministry of Science, China

2003-present,  Project director, Project titled Research on Urbanization and Cultural  development in China, commissioned by Chinese Academia of Engineering

1999-2001,  Project director, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University. Project  titled Research on the Rural and Urban Spatial Development Planning for  Greater Beijing region, China.

1999-2001,  Project director, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University. Project  titled China Housing 2000, an international collaboration research work  with ARCHIBAN Seok Chul Kim & Associates and Hanssem Corporation, Korea.

1998-present,  Project director, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University; Project  titled Human Settlements of Sustainable Development in China: A Study on  Basic Theories and Paradigms, a key project funded by the State Natural  Science Foundation of China.

1998-present,  Project director; Project titled A Study on the Sustainable Development  of Human Settlements in the North-western Yunnan Province and case study  in Zhongdian County for Master Plan and Urban Design Project.

1996-98,  Director, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University; Project titled  New Paradigm of Urban Development in the North-Eastern Asia, an  international collaboration research work with institutions of America  and Korea.

1992-97,  Project Director. Project titled Conservation and Development of the  Architectural Environment in the Economically Developed Regions Amid  Rapid Urbanization: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Delta Region, a  key project funded by the State Natural Science Foundation of China

1992-97,  Director, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University; Project titled A  Study on Beijing Mega-City Development, as apart of the AURN (Asian  Urban Research Network), an international collaboration research work  funded by Canadian International Development Agency)




Introduction  of Sciences of Human Settlements (60 students in autumn)



2006 The First  Prize of the 4th Architecture Design Award for the Project of Research  Institute of Confucius, (Architectural Sociaty of China)

2006 The  Excellent Prize of the 4th Architecture Design Award for the Project of  Campus Planning and Design of the Central Academy of Fine Arts  (Architectural Sociaty of China)

2004, 1st  Prize of Beijing Teaching Production Award for High Education

2003, 1st  Prize of National Excellent Book Award for science and technology and  the Mention of National Book Award on the book of Research on the Rural  and Urban Spatial Development Planning for the Greater Beijing Region  (Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei)        

2003, 1st  Prize for Excellent Architecture design, Ministry of Education, China,  on the Campus Planning and Design of the Central Academy of Fine Arts,  Beijing

2002, Prince  Claus Funds Award

2000, 2nd  Prize for the Scientific and Technological Research Progress, Ministry  of Education, China, on the Planning Research Project of the Yangtze  River Delta Region

2000, 1st  Liang Ssu-ch'eng (Liang Sicheng) National Award of Architecture,  Ministry of Construction, China

1999, Cavalier  Medal of Culture & Art for significant contribution to the cultural  exchange between China and France, French Government

1996, Jean  Tschumi Prize, International Union of Architects

1995, Award of  Science & Technology Achievement, Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation



Social organization

1st Class  National Certificated Architect, National Certificated Urban Planner

Honorary  Fellow of American Institute of Architects

Honorary  Member of Architectural Institute of Japan

Honorary  Fellow of Royal Institute of British Architects

Foreign Member  of Russian Academia of Construction Science

Foreign Member  of Bulgaria International Academia of Architecture

Member of  French Academia of Architectural Science



Published  several books and more than 300 academic papers including:

1.   Research on the Rural and  Urban Spatial Development Planning for the Capital Region (Beijing,  Tianjin and Hebei). Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2006

2.   Zhang Jian and Nantong  City, a Pioneering City of Modern China. Beijing: China Architecture &  Building Press, 2006.

3.  Buildings, Cities and  Human Settlements. Shijiazhuang: Hebei Education Press, 2003

4.  Research on the Rural and  Urban Spatial Development Planning for the Greater Beijing Region  (Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei). Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2002

5. UIA Beijing Charter: The  Future of Architecture (English and Chinese Versions). Beijing: Tsinghua  University Press, 2002

6.   Pictorial notes of by WU  Liangyong. Beijing: Sanlian Press, 2002

7.   Selected Essays on Arts  and Culture. Beijing: China Youth Press, 2002

8.   Introduction Sciences of  Human Settlements. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 2001.

9.   Reflection at the Turn of  the Century: The Future of Architecture. Beijing: Tsinghua University  Press, 1999.

10.  Rehabilitating the Old  City of Beijing: A Project in the Ju’er Hutong Neighborhood (English).  UBC Press, 1999.

11.  Conservation and  Development of the Built Environment in the Economically Developed  Regions Amid Rapid Urbanization in China. Beijing: Beijing: China  Architecture & Building Press, 2001.

12.  Towards A New Century: Wu  Liangyong's Selected Essays on Urban Studies 1987-96. Beijing: China  Architecture & Building Press, 1996.

13.  The Old City Of Beijing  And Its Ju'er Hutong Neighborhood. Beijing: China Architecture &  Building Press, 1994.

14.  China's Urban and Rural  Construction: Today and Tomorrow. Beijing: China City Press, 1994.

15.  A General Theory of  Architecture. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 1990. Taipei: Earth-scape  Press, 1992.

16.  Selected Essays on Urban  Planning and Design. Beijing: Yanshan Press, 1987.

17.  A Brief History of Ancient  Chinese City Planning (English edition). Kassel:  Gesamthochschulbibliothek, 1985.

18.  Town and Country Planning  (as a textbook). Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 1961.

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